CORD – Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development – the service wing of Chinmaya Mission has been active in the field of holistic rural development for over three decades. It facilitates participatory, integrated and sustainable development for the poor in the villages through self empowerment processes.

CORD Methodology

  1. We initiate community-driven sustainable programs
  2. We encourage people at the grassroots level to voice their opinions collectively at the Up-Gram Sabha and then at the Gram Sabha level.
  3. We don't duplicate what government is doing. For instance, CORD would not open a school or a hospital in an area that already has government facilities, but would help in addressing the service gaps
  4. We believe that people are active partners and not just mere program beneficiaries
  5. We dont visit the beneficiaries. We live with them. We identify potential candidates from our own locality, empower them, enable them to serve the society.

Rural Women Entrepreneurship

Rural Women, journey with CORD

How CORD is different?

A one day service, one time meal or a giving away of clothes, grocery or any material - will definitely ignite a spark in the giver. But this is very short sighted approach. It leaves the receiver with a feeling of "who will come next". Thus we indirectly promote laziness and beggary.

On the contrary, CORD strives to gift the rural folks a lifestyle which enables them to discover their potential, makes them earn their bread by their own sweat and toil. All they need is little guidance and encouragement.

To achieve this, we need a structure in place, wherein people are trained, motivated and guided to serve their own locality. This structure is CORD.

It is in 6 states in India, covering 700 villages.

If we have more generous hearts to support us, CORD will cater to more villages. Experience the joy of giving.

CORD is involved in projects related to 

  1. Women empowerment
  2. Children and youth programmes
  3. Micro credit banking
  4. Income generation activities
  5. Primary healthcare services
  6. Nutrition
  7. Literacy 
  8. Participatory natural resource management
  9. Sanitation and hygiene
  10. Rehabilitation of the differently abled and 
  11. Local self-governance through Panchayati Raj Institution.

In line with CORD’s strategy, the team reaches out to the people through community Based Organisations (CBOs) formed and nurtured by CORD and ultimately run by the Communities themselves.

An overview of the outreach in Tiruvallur district is given below:

AreaType of CBO  Number   Members 
  Women Empowerment    Magalir Mandrams (MM)    80   2300
  Access to Micro credit  Self Help Group (SHG)    65   904
  Children  Balvihar (BV)    22       350
  Adolescent groups  Girls (AG)    16   146
  Youth groups  Boys (AB)    3   57
  Farming  Farmers Clubs (FC)    8   230
  Differently abled  Community Based Inclusion and  
  Rehabilitation   (CBR)
    10   208


To know more about CORD

contact us at 95660 56992.


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