Upanishads class


Currently weekend Bhagavad Gita Summary classes are going on. Once that is over, Upanishads classes will resume. 

Upanishad classes started on August 3rd, 2020. So far the below mentioned Upanishads have been discussed in detail, along with Shankara-baashyam. 
  1. IshavAsya upanishad, 
  2. kEnOpanishad and 
  3. MundakOpanishad
  4. Chandogya Upanishad 
Classes are conducted every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Timing: 6.45 am to 7.25 am
Medium of communication is Thamizh

The upanishads are the foundation of Vedanta. The Chandogya Upanishad is one of the ten major upanishads. It is a very comprehensive work covering a variety of topics like various forms of worship and meditation, the theory of creation, the path to liberation etc. The range of topics covered makes it interesting and complete, benefiting a variety of seekers.

If interested in this class, we strongly recommend you to listen to the introductory talks (4 nos), available at https://www.chinmayasarveshwara.com/p/downloads.html

Classes are through zoom.

Meeting ID: 885 0437 3427
Passcode: 247365

Bhagavad Gita Summary Classes


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