Life of Vision by Pujya Guruji - Wedding & House warming - Day 1

Life of Vision by Pujya Guruji - Part 1 (Day 1)

Life of Vision is a compilation of Sanskrit verses that mark important occasions in our lives. These have been composed by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda ji. The book is available in Chinmaya publications and a must to own. Below are notes taken from talks by Guruji on these very pertinent topics on how to lead one’s life. The songs from the book and their literal meanings have not been included in the notes below.
Freedom is wonderful only when we exercise right discrimination else too many choices can cause too many confusions. Vedanta says look at life as a whole and live a whole life. Some people say sport is life or music is life. I say life is a sport, music.
Application of vision of life gives a life of vision.

We get cold feet, heavy stomach and hot headed. But we need warm feet, light stomach and cool head. We enquire others, ‘how are you?’ It is meant to be enquired within to oneself. Am I fine? Where do I stand? How is fine defined?

Fine means – to have
Sharir svasth (healthy body), mana shaanth (peaceful mind) and buddhi vichar spasht (clarity of knowledge).
To be spiritually healthy means to be happy irrespective of/
independent of Articles, Beings and Circumstances. Do you feel at ease, with family, beings, things and situations?

Tamasic jnanam is taking one aspect to be whole whereas Sattvic vision is a holistic vision. We need a holistic Vision of life which must be translated to practice. Only materialistic progress at expense of spiritual growth leads to falls and failures. Every aspect or walk of life should be looked at from both views, spiritual and materialistic. Both abhyudaya (material prosperity) and nishreyasa (Spiritual wellbeing) are needed for a happy and successful life of vision. Without this vision even after studying bhrama sutra one will only have question on mAngalya sutra!

Guruji explains how the book ‘Life of Vision’ came about. Guruji was approached by different people at different times for guidance on how to wish a dear one on special occasions. The wishes had to be meaningful. Starting from birthday wish, one thing led to another and eventually a life of vision manifested. The book starts with the wedding of Darshan and Priyadarshini.

Wedding Greetings

“May this wedding day give joy (harsha), auspiciousness (mangalam - goodness) and kshema (wellbeing). May your love for each other grow a hundred fold every day and be ever fresh.” These are the parameters of a fulfilling married life.

Once a wife complained to her husband ‘you never love my family’. He replied ‘who said? I love your mother in law!’

Mangalam refers to spiritual aspect. There must be oneness, expansion of identity, then only completeness is felt. If in a relation one wants only pleasures and no commitments, there can be no true wellbeing or goodness.

Someone asked Guruji which marriage he favoured? Love or arranged? Guruji said ‘I favour only successful marriage’ Can there be a hatred marriage? Is there any substitute to love when we have to live together?

Bhakti is defined as prathikshanam vardhamAnam. True love is that which is every moment growing and never declining. Sounds like a tall order in the days of ‘Love at first sight and divorce at second look’. Some say love is blind and marriage is an eye-opener. Love can never be blind only infatuation is blind. And just to be different from others some stay married. For love of furniture, fighting happens outside the house. Hence, Love after wedding is more important than before.

Therefore, it is first important to know what is included in love. In love is included: respect, understanding, concern for partner’s well fare, ready to sacrifice, trust, the feeling that in one’s joy and sorrow lies the other’s joy and sorrow. Then only is love complete. It is easily said than done. It has to be a two way traffic. Sitaji was worried that thinking ever of Ram, she might become Ram. Trijata says ‘Ram would become Sita thinking of you, Sita. So don’t worry.’

Householders should serve those whom they come into contact with, offering their seva as worship at the Lord’s feet. They should work in karma yoga spirit and not for reward or recognition. Then the relation becomes mokshadam, liberating and not binding.

Every stage of life is called ashram because it should be a life of spiritual values. Our attitude towards every aspect of life should be spiritual and holistic. Some eagerly marry and then advice others not to marry. ‘If you have chosen your path make it a success.

House warming
A householder must own a house to avoided hassles and risks of renting. In our tradition we do a Bhoomi puja before we build a house or any building. The same is called abroad as ground breaking ceremony.

At House warming, Lord is placed first in the house to signify that the house belongs to God. Vastu Shanti is done for peace, prosperity and happiness and asking forgiveness for any himsa that may have happened to other beings during the construction. Living in a house should give love and joy. There should be harmony. Difference should not create division.

Someone came to meet the head of house. He was told to come after a week as it was still under discussion. After 1 week the wife informed that she was the neck! One must treat guests as God Himself. It is said that house should be renounced and if not then it should be offered to the Lord.

Griham sarvAtmanA tyajEt tat cet tyaktum na shakyatE
tadarpanam kuru Krishnaya Krishna bandhana vimochakaha||

People have nice place for wardrobe and shoe case but place Lord under staircase or on a dalda tin in a shelf. One must give the house to God and live as servant taking care of the house and the family to his best abilities. This encapsulates Karma yoga and Bhakti yoga


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