Life of Vision by Pujya Guruji – Part 2 (Day 3)

Life of Vision is a compilation of Sanskrit verses that mark important occasions in our lives. These have been composed by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda ji. The book is available in Chinmaya publications and a must to own. Below are notes taken from talks by Guruji on these very pertinent topics on how to lead one’s life. The songs from the book and their literal meanings have not been included in the notes below.
Prarthana Gitam
Teach child to pray and not beggary. Prayer shows our state of mind. We should ask Lord to guide us in life. Prayer is Tuning our mind to the source of all Knowledge and virtues within. 2G (God and Guru) alone can guide. It is most important who our guide is. All follow their own mind alone. Hence it is imperative we purify our mind.

Whom do you consider your guide, your leader? Vishnu Sahasranama says Lord is neta. He is our sole provider. Lord is so compassionate He has given air, water and all our needs free. Unnecessary things such as diamond and gold are costly. Further He has given the Vedas and sung the Bhagavad Gita in which He prescribes “Sarveshu kaleshu mamanusmara”

A horse rider asked another one who seemed to have no control over his horse: “Where are you headed?” He answered: “Ask the horse!” Lord is our guide. Lord Krishna placed a huge elephant’s bell over a bird’s nest which happened to be in the middle of the Kurukshetra battle field. After 18 days of war, when the bell was removed, the birds were still there, happily playing. He really takes care.

Matrustavanam - Gurudev had given Guruji a hymn on mother written by a pandit and asked for his feedback. Guruji said it was nice but too scholarly and quite difficult. Gurudev immediately beckoned Guruji to compose a hymn on mother. Guruji recalls that immediately 5 or 6 verses just came to him the very same day and Gurudev took keen interest the next day itself to find what progress was made. This happens to be Guruji’s first ever composition.

One boy Raju, at home on a holiday, watches his mother tip the milk man, cylinder man, phone man for every service they render. An idea clicks and he thinks he can be smart and earn money by helping his mother. All day he rushes to help his mom and end of day gives a bill of Rs. 10/-. The next day he receives a bill for all the services that were rendered to him by his mother since his birth and totalled to Rs. 0/- Smart Raju understands mother’s unconditional love and embraces her in tears. None can equal one’s mother in love.

Pitrustavanam – Matru devo bhava! Pitru devo bhava! Child should be taught to see God in one’s mother, father and teacher.

Graduation song - Udyamena hi vardhate yashah na manorathaih.
When man sleeps so does his fortune. When he sits, it too sits. When we gets up and starts walking his fortune also rises. Man achieves great things by hard work and not merely wishing for it.

New Year wishes
Sundaram is that which is ever new and fresh, eternal. Beauty is that which does not get stale, old or time bound. Virtues are not bound by time, they are timeless and hence beautiful. Sat, Absolute Truth is also such and therefore auspicious and beautiful. Truth is auspicious and beautiful. May this New Year bring all greater and greater happiness and goodness!


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